To locate a classmate and to view their contact information, refer to the table below. Information provided includes last known mailing address, phone numbers, and an email address if known. This list was last reviewed and updated in June of 2024. Classmates are listed in alphabetical order, by last name (maiden name for the ladies). Classmates that didn't graduate with us are listed at the end of the table. Any Classmate shaded in grey is known to be DECEASED. Any Classmate shaded in Pink is MISSING and contact information is unknown.
The Class Directory is best viewed on a computer (desktop or laptop). Because there is so much information to display, we do not recommended viewing the directory on a tablet (iPad or Nexus) or other mobile device (smartphone). When using a desktop or laptop, if the print is too small to view, use the zoom icon (+) to enlarge the print, and use the scroll bar to pan left or right.
The Class Directory is best viewed on a computer (desktop or laptop). Because there is so much information to display, we do not recommended viewing the directory on a tablet (iPad or Nexus) or other mobile device (smartphone). When using a desktop or laptop, if the print is too small to view, use the zoom icon (+) to enlarge the print, and use the scroll bar to pan left or right.
The information provided in this table is believed (not guaranteed) to be, accurate and up to date. Contact information was obtained from publicly available internet sources, such as WhitePages, Spokeo, PeopleSmart etc. and, in most cases, confirmed by the classmate.
The information provided in this table is believed (not guaranteed) to be, accurate and up to date. Contact information was obtained from publicly available internet sources, such as WhitePages, Spokeo, PeopleSmart etc. and, in most cases, confirmed by the classmate.
IMPORTANT: If there is anyone who prefers that their contact information NOT BE INCLUDED on this web site, please send me an email letting me know. Send to