Welcome to the
Nashua High School
Class of 1963
Web Site
dedicated to the memory of Richard A ("Dick") Cabral
Nashua High School
Class of 1963
Web Site
dedicated to the memory of Richard A ("Dick") Cabral
- ANNOUNCING THE NHS CLASS OF 1963 "VOCATIONAL EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP" FUND - Brand new in 2025. Our incredible class is doing more than ever before to benefit students of Nashua High. This year, our class has created the NHS CLASS OF 1963 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND, to be managed by the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation (NHCF) to address a major gap for graduating Nashua High School seniors – this time, to help young people who are studying for an industry certificate or credential in the trades - from advanced manufacturing to HVAC to electrical technology to health sciences. Students from both Nashua High Schools (North and South) will be eligible for multiple scholarships annually beginning with the Class of 2026. For all of the details of this new program, click here
- SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND UPDATE - As of 12/31/2024, our NHS Class of 1963 Scholarship Endowment Fund is sitting at an incredibe $1,422,515, pretty much guaranteeing larger scholarships for NHS South students in the years ahead (as originally envisioned), with no end to our giving back to the school.
- MORE GOOD PRESS FOR NHS-1963 - The New Hampshire Charitbable Foundation (NHCF), the organization that manages and administers both of our NHS-63 Scholarship Endowment Funds, has published another complimentary article on the efforts of our great class to give back to our alma mater, and to help graduating students further their education after graduating from high school. Read all about it here:
NHCF Article - Lois Shea, December 2024
- THE NHS-1963 60TH CLASS REUNION IS NOW HISTORY..... with a bucket full of new and wonderful memories made. We had such variety for this class reunion, with so many extras that it was deemed by many who attended as perhaps the best reunion ever. For example, the prestigious Nashua Country Club hosted our Golf Event (and breakfast buffet), the Ladies Luncheon Paint & Sip and Psychic activities, a fabulous Labelle's Winery venue, meal and service, Craig Micahaud's Nashua Memorabilia exhibit, fabulous guest speakers (Reverand Jim Chaloner [Peter's younger brother], NHS South Principal Keith Richard, and our special classmate, Peter Stylianos), plus the 25th Class Reunion video, the very touching "In Memory Of" exhibit" remembering our deceased classmates, the Posters, the "Fabulous 50's" video, the NHS fight song, very decent music (Micah Doris's 1st and perhaps only DJ gig), a truly superb job by Tom Osgood as the MC, plus Craig and Tara Michaud taking photographs and videos all evening --- which are in the process of finding their way into a full video slideshow that you may view at some point soon (we promise.... and thank you for your patience). And of course a huge "Thank You" to classmate Peter Stylianos for picking up the cost of funding the entire reunion. How incredible was that !!!!
For more details recapping our most recent class reunion, click here
All of the photos taken by Steve Doris (Golf Event), Amber Doris (Ladies Luncheon) and the Saturday SociaL (Craig Michaud) have beed edited, captioned and uploaded to YouTube. Music will be added to accompanty the entire slideshow in the near future. To view the preliminary slideshow, just click here
- OUR HIGH SCHOOL TO BE TORN DOWN OR POSSIBLY REPURPOSED --- It's sad but true. Expert studies were completed, and the conclusion was that the 85-year-old building at 117 Elm St. which served Nashua most recently as the Elm St. Middle School but which was earlier known in the 1960's as our Nashua High school, is not worth the costly renovations needed to keep it standing. Instead, Nashua will have a new middle school located in the southwest quadrant of the city. Call me nostalgic, but our old high school on Elm St. remains a favorite architectural beauty in Nashua, and we truly wish it could be saved, but it will probably be demolshed, though there is talk that the auditorium wing may be saved.
Here's a nostalgic video tour of the Elm St. school that someone recently created. It brings back memories. To see it click here
- THE NHS CLASS OF 1963 NOW HAS A FACEBOOK GROUP PAGE --- Yes, we caved in to the red hot social media craze and created a special page on Facebook dedicated to our NHS Class of 1963. It is accessible to anyone with a Facebook account. To access it, simply do a search on Facebook for "Nashua High School Class of 1963". This page will provide general Info and news about the Nashua High School Class of 1963. We try to make at least one post daily, usually with a picture. All who may stumble across this page are welcome and invited to comment on any post and/or to put up a post of their own. Let's hear from you ! If you are already registered on Facebook, just click here.
- PUBLICITY: "THE NASHUA HIGH CLASS OF 1963 HAS STARTED SOMETHING BIG" - Our NHS Class of 1963 was honored to be the subject of an article published by the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation (NHCF), the organization that manages and administers our NHS-1963 Scholarship Endowment Fund. It is quite an interesting and complimentary piece. You should be very proud to be a member of the Class of 1963.
- MORE GOOD PRESS - This short article appeared in the Nashua School District Employee Newsletter in June 2024. Read it here:
- VIDEO OF OUR 25TH CLASS REUNUION - Thanks to classmate Bonnie (Merrill) McCann, we now have access to a video (digitized from the original VHS camcorder recording taken by Bonnie's husband Dick McCann) capturing excerpts from each of the three events at our 25th Class Reunion in 1988.
It's a riot and well worth a look/see to determine if you recognize yourself or your classmates)
To watch this video (turn up your sound), click here.
- MORE PUBLICITY FOR THE CLASS OF 1963: Dean Shalhoup, former long-time staff writer fot the Nashua Telegraph is now working for the Manchester Union Leader covering stories focused on the Nashua area. Earlier this year, Dean authored a very complimentary article on the Nashua High Class of 1963 highlighting our on-going support of the students of Nashua High School South. See below
- NHS-1963 ALUMNI/REUNION COMMITTEE - The 60th class reunion was planned and executed by this group of spring chickens a.k.a the NHS-1963 Alumni/Reunion Committee. It's a great group of guys and gals, most of whom have worked together for years to help plan and pull off our 20th, 25th, 40th, 50th, 55th (and now the 60th) class reunions. Between reunions, we continue to work as a team to manage and support our annual Scholarship Endowment Fund activities, represent the Class of 1963 at the Annual NHS South Scholarship Awards Event, maintain our NHS-1963 class web site and update our Facebook group page. NOTE" Terry only contributes on weekends
- THE NHS-1963 "SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND" HAS CONQUERED THE ONE MILLION DOLLAR PLATEAU - Thanks to several additional classmate donations in response to our first letter to all classmates announcing the 60th class reunion, but especially to classmate Peter Stylianos for his truly magnificant $1,000,000 contribution in the Spring of 2023, our NHS-1963 Scholarship Endowment Fund is currently (as of the 12/31/2024) valued at $1,422,516. When informed of Peter's donation, NHS South Administration and Staff were "overwhelmed and left speechless", as this donation will result in much larger scholarships starting in 2024 and continuing in the years ahead.
We truly are the self-proclaimed best class evah...... and we cannot thank you enough. Here's a shout-out to Peter and all ninety-four (94) NHS-1963 classmates who have made donations (many multiple times) to our NHS 1963 Scholarship Endowment Fund.
- NHS-1963 SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND ON-LINE GIVING PAGE - Just a reminder that we now have an on-line giving page through our partner, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, making it very quick an easy to make a donation to our NHS-1963 Scholarship Endowment Fund. If the spirit moves you, and your pocketbook agrees, one click and you're there. So easy and simple. Check it out at: https://give.nhcf.org/Classof1963
- TRANSITION: Finally, we are sad to report the passing of several NHS-1963 classmates over the past year or so. Please see the IN MEMORY OF page (click (or tap) here) for more information on all classmates that we know have passed away, including obituary excerpts where we have them.
Click (or tap) on any of the main menu items below
to view memories and memorabilia from our days at Nashua High School
to view memories and memorabilia from our days at Nashua High School
2nd EDITION? WHY ???
Old people like us hate change..........so why was there a need for a 2nd edition of www.nhs-1963.com? Several reasons......
With this 2nd edition, we've opened up access to anyone who knows the web site address: www.nhs-1963.com
Old people like us hate change..........so why was there a need for a 2nd edition of www.nhs-1963.com? Several reasons......
- The original web site was over 12 years old and through the years we've come to know what features were being used and what features were either difficult to use or just not used at all. We've dumped some little used features, while preserving all the good stuff and filled in some of the "under construction" blanks,
- Secondly, web site building technology has advanced substantially and there are much easier tools available to maintain and enhance web site content. We've completely migrated the site from using a raw HTML editor to a drag/drop web site building tool (WeeblyPro).
- Most importantly, in addition to desktops and laptops, there are several additional devices now available to access the internet, like tablets and smartphones. In order to ensure that our web site content can be displayed well on these newer devices that have smaller screens, we needed to do some web site redesign.
With this 2nd edition, we've opened up access to anyone who knows the web site address: www.nhs-1963.com
- No longer are users required to register or log in with a user-id and password. If you make www.nhs-1963.com a favorite on your browser, access to our site is greatly simplified --- only a single click (or tap), and (poof) you're in.
- We've updated all contact information for everyone in the NHS Class of 1963 on the DIRECTORY page
- We've eliminated the BIO page, as only a few classmates ever took the time to submit their story and pictures (and besides there are social media sites now, like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, for stuff like that).
- We've also eliminated the LINKS and CALENDAR pages (simply not used).
- Pictures of all members of NHS Class of 1959 and NHS Class of 1960 have been added. See the TUSITALA pages.
- All issues of the Tattlers and most of our Broadcasters have been added. See the TATTLERS page
- Slideshows with all pictures from our 40th, 50and 55th Class Reunions have been added. See the REUNIONS page
- All the good stuff, like TUSITALAS, TATTLERS, IN MEMORY OF, REUNIONS, TEACHERS, and GRADES 1-9 pages are still here. They may look a little different at first but all of the original content has been preserved.
- Finally, a new GIVING BACK page has been created to contain current news about the collective efforts of our NHS Class of 1963 to give back something of real significance to our alma mater Nashua High School South. We recap the "10K for 50" fundraiser, our support for the Post Prom Party, the NHS-1963 Scholarship program, and describe and explain the NHS-1963 Scholarship Endowment Fund.